"Searchme lets you see what you’re searching for. As you start typing, categories appear that relate to your query. Choose a category, and you’ll see pictures of web pages that answer your search. You can review these pages quickly to find just the information you’re looking for, before you click through."
Links :
See their demo video:
This is also an amazing search engine which displays the search results on a map , which shows the connection between different pages for the search keyword.Try it out, it rocks :-)
Links :
*Article on KartOO
Interesting video on Visual Search Engines check it out
"Oskope is a free online service developed by oSkope media gmbh in Zurich and Berlin. A great team of highly talented and skillful people worked on this project." You can search you favourite videos on youtube or a product in amazon in a unique way.... search and have fun :-)
"Viewzi is a new and highly visual way to search that brings all your favorite stuff together in one place. " There are different views where you can view the search results, "Web Screen shot view", Simple Text View, Time line view, 3D photo cloud view...... many more , go ahead and check it out! :-)
"Visualization becomes the center of user experience replacing antiquated listings and Boolean strings" The search results are in form of tag cloud, and has a relation between each tag and the links are displayed when clicked on keyword.
*How quintura works?
"Viewzi is a new and highly visual way to search that brings all your favorite stuff together in one place. " There are different views where you can view the search results, "Web Screen shot view", Simple Text View, Time line view, 3D photo cloud view...... many more , go ahead and check it out! :-)
"Visualization becomes the center of user experience replacing antiquated listings and Boolean strings" The search results are in form of tag cloud, and has a relation between each tag and the links are displayed when clicked on keyword.
*How quintura works?
"Facesaerch is an image search engine for faces powered by Google. All images (thumbnails) are provided, hosted and managed by Google. Facesaerch RSSflow visualized free available RSS feeds. All images are provided and managed by respective feed owners."
Facesaerch - Search for faces
Facesaerch - Search for faces