Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to develop iPhone application on windows 7

Developing iPhone application on windows is possible!

You can easily install MAC OS X Snow Leopard and then Xcode on Windows 7 , deploy your iphone/ipod application on jailbroken iphone/ipod. I installed Mac OS X Snow Leopard on my Sony Vaio E series which has Intel i3 Proc. , 3GB Ram, 512MB graphic card. Snow Leopard works smoothly and Xcode too!, successfully deployed my application on my jailbroken Ipod-touch which has Iphone firmware 3.1.3. If you have an upgraded firmware i.e higher than 3.1.3 then you will have to Google and find out the latest version of RedSnow or any other tool to jailbreak.

Requirements :
  • Vmware workstation v7 
  • Xcode v3.2.1 iphone SDK 3.1.3 
  • MAC OS X 10.6 retail DVD 
  • Darwin Snow leopard ISO 
  • RedSnow to jailbreak your iphone/ipod (if it isn't Jailbroken) 
*If RedSn()w doesnt work for you , Use Spirit to jailbreak OS 3.1.3

Mac Os X retail v10.6 DVD ISO : Search in Torrents or Rapidshare

To install Macintosh OS X Snow leopard v 10.6 :

Darwin ISO to boot MAC :
Without Darwin ISO you cant boot MAC in VMWARE. So download this latest version of Darwin iso for mac v10.6 and follow the instructions as in 'RedmondPie'

Xcode and iphone SDK :
This is the only version of Iphone SDK in which which works on Mac OS X v10.6 , please dont upgrade your mac after you installed Mac in Vmware.

iPhone SDK 3.1.3 with XCode 3.2.1 for Snow Leopard : 
*If you cant download in windows, try downloading in MAC or search for torrent.

Removing code-signing :
You should remove code signing which makes possible to deploy your Iphone application on real jailbroken Iphone/Ipod i.e without ADC membership, but you cant host your Iphone Application on Apple Appstore! .

Vmware Tools :
This tool lets you connect /share folders from windows and mac and few other utilities.